Membership of the ICPAE is by election and is free, with no annual subscriptions required. An Executive Committee handles the ICPAE meetings and reports to the IAMAS Bureau.
The IAMAS executive committee consists of the bureau, the members at large and the presidents of the 10 commissions. ICPAE is composed of a President, a vice-President and a Secretary and has members from a number of countries active in Planetology.
The current ICPAE Bureau is composed as follows:
ICPAE BUREAU 2015-2019:
Sanjay Limaye, President
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Feng Tian, Vice President
Tsinghua University, Cina
Christina Plainaki, Secretary
ICPAE BUREAU 2011-2015:
Sanjay Limaye, President
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Leigh Fletcher, Vice President
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, University of Oxford
Darrell Strobel, Secretary (Replacing M. Hirtzig)
EPS/Olin 121, Johns Hopkins University
ICPAE BUREAU 2007-2011:
Athena Coustenis, President
LESIA (Bât 18)
Observatoire de Meudon
Dmitri Titov, Vice-President
Max-Planck-Institut for Solar System Research
Darrell Strobel: Secretary
EPS/Olin 121
Johns Hopkins University